5S began as part of the Toyota Production System (TPS), which aims at increasing the value of products or services by finding and eliminating waste from production process.
Why 5S is adopted ?
- To eliminate the wastes that result from “uncontrolled” processes.
- To gain control on equipment, material & inventory placement and position.
- Apply Control Techniques to Eliminate Erosion of Improvements.
- Standardize Improvements for Maintenance of Critical Process Parameters.
5S Implementation

Work Place Observations Before Implementing 5S
- Clearly define target area
- Identify purpose and function of target area
- Develop area map
- Show material, people, equipment flow
- Perform scan diagnostic
- Photograph problem areas
- Develop a project display board (area)
Visual Implementation of 5S
- Develop a map identifying the “access ways”(aisles, entrances, walkways etc.) and the “action” areas.
- Perform any necessary realignment of walkways, aisles, entrances.
- Assign an address to each of the major action areas.
- Mark off the walkways, aisles & entrances from the action areas
- Apply flow-direction arrows to aisles & walkways
- Perform any necessary realignment of action areas.
- Mark-off the inventory locations
- Mark-off equipment/machine locations
- Mark-off storage locations (cabinets, shelves, tables)
- Color-code the floors and respective action areas